Legal information
Information on the provider (§ 5 German Teleservices Act - TMG):
zafaco systems GmbH
Richard-Wagner-Straße 11
85609 Aschheim/Dornach
Telephone: +49 89 820308 200
Fax: +49 89 820308 299
E-Mail: info(at)
Munich commercial register:
HRB 200606
Tax identification number (VAT ID no.):
DE 284701101
Managing directors:
Christoph Sudhues and Bernd Oliver Schöttler
The information that can be found on these pages makes no claim to accuracy or completeness. Its use is at your own risk. The provider declares that at the time of linking to other content on the World Wide Web (links and content embedded in frames) this was free of illegal content, and he has no influence on the current and future design of the linked content. The provider expressly dissociates himself from the content of linked pages which were changed after the creation of the link, regardless of whether these links were provided by the provider himself or by users. Third-party content that is integrated via frames is marked accordingly as such.
Copyright information:
The content and structure of the web pages of are protected under copyright and, where applicable, trademark law. Any reproduction of information or data, especially the use of texts, text components, brands and trademarks, pictures or other content requires the prior written consent of the provider or rights holder.
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